What is the term of office and conditions of the service of State Chief Information Commissioner?

Term of Office and Conditions of Service of State Chief Information Commissioner

  1. Term of Office
    1. Duration: The SCIC holds office for a term of three years from the date of entering office or until the age of 65, whichever is earlier.
    2. Reappointment: The SCIC is not eligible for reappointment.
  2. Conditions of Service
    1. Salaries and Allowances: Prescribed by the Central Government and cannot be varied to the disadvantage of the SCIC after appointment.
    2. Resignation and Removal: The SCIC can resign by writing to the Governor and can be removed only in the manner specified under Section 17 of the RTI Act.
    3. Oath of Office: The SCIC must make and subscribe an oath or affirmation before the Governor or a person appointed by the Governor.
    4. Support Staff: The State Government provides necessary officers and employees for the efficient performance of the SCIC's functions.
    5. Retirement from Parent Service: If the SCIC was in government service at the time of appointment, they are deemed to have retired from such service from the date of their appointment as SCIC.
  3. Additional Provisions
    1. Pension and Benefits: The SCIC is entitled to pension and other retirement benefits as per the rules applicable to the Chief Secretary of the state.
    2. Restrictions on Further Employment: After ceasing to hold office, the SCIC is not eligible for any further appointment in the Central or State Government.
    3. Immunity from Legal Proceedings: The SCIC is protected from legal proceedings for actions taken in good faith while performing their duties.

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